In case the title didn't give it away - this is a blog about quilting. I used to do a lot of quilting, but I haven't done it in a while - and I'm now rediscovering my passion for it.
I know! Hold on to your hats, it might get crazy 'round here!
Originally, I had this great idea for a year-long quilting blog for 2010: "The Year of Finished Projects." I was going to complete twelve of the unfinished quilting projects that have been sitting around. And then I went back to work full-time, had a busy toddler, and started the process of adopting a second child.
It's now almost two years later, I'm back as a SAHM, and hoping to get back to quilting and finishing these projects!
Occasionally, you may see a "Cross-Posted" lead in. This simply means it is a post that also appears on my other blog.
Or maybe it's all just an excuse to use the word "redux."
What's important to know about me?
I'm wordy. You should know that going in.
I used to be able to string together some decent sentences, but message boards, email, IM, FB and blogging are chip-chip-chipping away at that ability.
I've been married to my best friend since 1998. Ten years later, we confirmed our position as the luckiest people in the world when we brought home our son, through domestic, infant adoption. Three years after that, we completed our family when we brought home our daughter.